Below are a list of books and articles that parents of XXYY boys have found useful. If you have read any books and would like to share, please let us have the details so we are able to add them to our list.

The Explosive Child: A New Approach for Understanding and Parenting Easily Frustrated, Chronically Inflexible Children by Ross W., PhD Greene
Children Screaming, swearing, crying, hitting, kicking, spitting, biting…these are some of the challenging behaviors we see in kids who are having difficulty meeting our expectations. These behaviors often leave parents feeling frustrated, angry, overwhelmed, and desperate for answers. In this fully revised and updated book, Dr. Ross Greene helps you understand why and when your child does these things and how to respond in ways that are nonpunitive, nonadversarial, humane, and effective.

The Out-of-Sync Child:by Carol Stock Kranowitz
For 25 years, I taught at St. Columba’s Nursery School in Washington, DC. Most preschoolers loved my classes involving music, movement, and dramatic play. Every day, small groups of three-, four-, and five-year-olds would come to my room to play, move, and learn. They happily pounded on drums and xylophones, sang and clapped, danced and twirled. They shook beanbags, manipulated puppets, and enacted fairy tales. They waved the parachute, played musical follow-the-leader games, and flowed through obstacle courses. They swooped like kites, stomped like elephants, and melted like snowmen.

My First Signs: BSL (Baby Signing)
Children are able to communicate by signing before they develop the skills necessary for speech. By teaching sign language to children from as young as seven months we can help them to convey their emotions and their needs. This first signing guide for hearing and deaf children contains over 40 key signs. Designed for parents and carers to share with babies, with its simple and clear instructions and endearing illustrations, this book is an ideal introduction to signing. A helpful tip is given at the bottom of each page to help beginners get started. Makaton compatible.

Social Care, Housing and Health: A Guide for Parents – This guide has been prepared for parents of disabled children who want to know how to get help for their child’s social care, housing and health needs. It gives information on the responsibilities of NHS bodies and Local Authorities for providing health and social care as well as accommodation for disabled children and their families.

Disability Rights UK has produced this guide to help you through the claiming process. The guide covers information on:
The PIP rules
The scoring system
The activities and descriptors
Filling out the claim form
Keeping a diary
The face to face consultation with a healthcare professional
What to do if you are not happy with your decision
Further help and information
The guide is in word format and is free to download. An easy read version is available as a pdf.

My Son’s Not Rainman: One Man, One Autistic Boy, A Million Adventures Paperback – 1 Sep 2016 by John Williams
John Williams is a stand-up comedian. He is also a single father and full-time carer for his son, who has autism and cerebral palsy. This is their incredible story.

My Child’s Different: The lessons learned from one family’s struggle to unlock their son’s potentialby Elaine Halligan | 31 Aug 2018
Elaine Halligan’s ‘My Child’s Different: The lessons learned from one family’s struggle to unlock their son’s potential’ explores the enabling role that parents can play in getting the best out of children who are seen as different or difficult .